1) RCAHMS Argyll Vol 5, No 366 (15). Tapered slab with galley at foot. Long mast but with no yard or sail.
See also Graham, Carved Stones of Islay, p 56 & Pl. XIV, No 44.
This stone is unusual in that the galley and the sword (which occupies most of the slab) are at 180 degrees to each other.
Was there a change in design while the slab was being cut? I wonder if the galley at the base was originally the top of the stone.
RCAHMS thinks the same sculptor produced a slab at Keils, Jura (Argyll Vol 5, No 331 (2)).
2) RCAHMS Argyll Vol 5, No 366 (16). Tapered slab showing hull of a boat. See also Graham, Carved Stones of Islay, No 45 – but he provides no illustration.
Graham, Carved Stones of Islay, Pl. XIV No 40, illustrates another stone which was partly recut in 1678. There is a small galley to the right of the sword hilt.

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